How to Create html5 image slider template with thumbnails captions and tooltips?
"Can I add thumbnails captions and tooltips to my html5 iamge slider template, how should I do at Hi Slider?"
Answer :
In Hi Slider there are lots of templates, when you want to make a jQuery Slider with thumbnails Caption and tooltips, you should choose "Fly" template.
Step 1
After Importation, choose "fly" template and pick a skin, then go to Custom panel;
Step 2
You can choose false to auto hide option to show thumbnail or navigator automatically on the jQuery Sider( Try the navigator of Hi Slider).
Make the navigator on the right side or left side of the jQuery Slider;
Define the max height in percentage for navigator;
Set Offset-Y to change distance between play button and navigator;
The Item fly height is for setting a vivid effect to the caption of navigator;
Arrange the Item width and height to the navigator;
Fill in the number of Item gap between each navigator item.
Make changes to the Item background, item border, item thumbnail and item information settings.
Save all changes by clicking "Refresh" button on frame.