Quick Start:

1. Launch the program via the desktop shortcut hi_slider_logo;

2. Click "Create New" quick_start_create_newto enter into New Project setting interface;

3. Click add_images_icon to to add images, or click add_youtube_video_iconto add YouTube videos, or click add_youtube_video_iconto add Vimeo videos;

4. ClickManual_design_apply_changeto enter into template setting interface; ;

5. Choose a template and skin for the slider, and design the slider with customizable settings such as proportions, transition effects, actions and caption, and then clickquick_start_refresh.jpg to save all the settings;

6. Click quick_start_publish_icon to enter into output interface, choose an output type, define output settings, and click quick_start_publish_iconto create jQuery image slider.


You can view your output image slider via Web Browser, such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, etc.



Copyright 2013 by HiSlider.com